كريم تسمير البشرة بجوز الهند 350 مل , من كاروت
كريم تسمير البشرة بجوز الهند 350 مل , من كاروت
Coconut Tan Cream, Rich In A Natural Tan-Accelerating Agent That Works Well For Fair And Sensitive Skin .
Coconut tan accelerating cream is one of gentler accelerators that works well for fair and sensitive skin, and helps to develop a base tan if you have not been in the sun for a while. But just because it is gentle does not mean that it won't get you dark! If used for a prolonged period it will get you quite tanned. It contains the natural tan accelerator L-Tyrosine, and coconut oil, which is a wonderful natural moisturiser and works to soothe sensitive skin. This cream arouses a sense of the tropics with its sensational coconut aroma. Skin Type: Sensitive/Dry/Fair.
How to use
How to use
Apply plenty of the product on the skin to get a nice tan and look after your skin at the same time.